Eventful Week!

This week has been very eventful!!! Jax had his 4 month baby appointment and shots on Tuesday. Those went pretty well, he just cried a little bit when they first pricked him. He weighed 16.6 lbs 26 inches long and his head is 17 inches!!!! He is my growing baby boy!!!!!! Also on Tuesday his eye had gotten worse than it was all weekend and Monday. Monday it was a little bit red, and he kept rubbing it. Tuesday it was swollen and around the contact it was also red and looked blood shot. So we made an emergency trip to Kansas City. We found out that the material of that contact was too heavy, which was blocking oxygen getting to his eye. That led his eye to be irritated and him to itch/rub at it. It was also rubbing on his scar tissue from the surgery incision. We are switching back to the old contact that is a lighter material. We will keep him contact free for a week to let his eye heal.

Today (Wednesday) the 17th, he is four months old. This far, some of the things he Loves are; taking a bath and splashing, watching basketball and racing on tv, and loves music. Things he does NOT enjoy are eating from a bottle, thunderstorms, and wearing socks and sometimes clothes!!!


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