Tough Journey

Life with a contact of a small child is not the easiest journey.

My little Jax has been struggling with contacts since April.  His contact kept falling out then we would order one, wait a couple weeks.  Finally once the contact came in we would travel across town and have the contact lense specialist look at his little eye.  We left the Vision Office and went on our way.  Not more than 72 hours later, this momma would be all up in Jax's face looking for his contact.  Once I noticed there was no contact in his eye.  Down on my hands and knees with a flashlight I began the search. Sometimes I found it and other times I would not.  So come the next morning I would get on the phone with the contact department and order Jax a new lense.  Sometimes it took up to 2 weeks for his lense to come in.  That happened consistently from April-June.  I was so frustrated that I called my doctor, and stated that I am returning to my doctor at Children's Mercy Hospital that is 3 hours away.  When we were still being seen by the CMH staff we always had a returned call within 24 hours.  We always received a contact within 72 hours from the call.  Once we started receiving Vision treatment in Wichita we lost all of that.  I informed our doctor that I have a support group of all you amazing mom's reading this post, and informed her that he needs a bigger contact.  At the time he was 18 months old and had had the same contact since 6 weeks old.  Jax was way over due for a new lense.  Doctor agreed.  The only problem with getting a new lense was it took even longer than his last lense to come in.  So at this point he is 19 months.  We finally received his new lense last Friday which was July 11th, 2014.  The lense kept coming out, mainly due to Jax rubbing or pulling it out.  Sunday and Monday the lense stayed in all day.  This lense is one that we have to take out and put in every morning.  Unlike his last one where it could stay in for up to 3 months before it needed to be removed to be cleaned.  Tuesday morning July 15th, 2014, I take the lense out of the lense case and Jax across my lap.  While getting ready to put the lense in, I notice a tear in the lense from the outer skirt all the way to the hard lense in the center.  By this time I am so frustrated I just break down in tears.

So now at this point we have not patched or wore a lense consistently since April.  On the up side of things at this point his pressure for glaucoma is very great.  His pressures were 12, and 17 at our last check.  THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN THAT LOW!!!! His last check on pressure was 26 and 21.  They would like his pressure to be below 20. 

As frustrating as it has been, I just have to keep telling myself it will get better.  It must! :)


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